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校友会的会员资格对所有人开放, including agencies, societies, 以及对学院表现出兴趣的组织. 感谢您有兴趣了解更多关于传统骨科医学学院的信息-如果您想参与进来,我们希望能听到您的声音! 


校友和朋友协会是由选出的志愿者组成的委员会管理的,他们全年工作,以提高学院的声誉和影响力, 在我们的使命和愿景指引下: 

校友会的使命是提供信息, 参与并服务于newbb电子平台传统骨科医学学院当前和未来的校友和朋友. 


The board’s purpose is threefold: to serve and support the college by providing advice and support to leadership; inform and engage current and future alumni and friends of the college; and support philanthropic initiatives aimed at keeping the college affordable for future generations. 我们的董事会成员是传统医学院值得信赖的代表,也是仆人式领导的积极榜样. 

如果您对SAF董事会当前的工作有疑问或希望参与, 请联系其执行秘书, Yumi Choe, at:  



  • Jared C. Storck, D.O. ('06 LECOM)

Vice President

  • Shelby K. Raiser, D.O. ('02 LECOM)

Past President

  • John F. Ramey, D.O. ('92)

Board of Directors

  • Jose A. Bazan, D.O. ('04)
  • Nicole J. Danner, D.O. ('01)
  • David C. DeWalt, D.O. ('97)
  • Alanna Fostyk, D.O. ('12)
  • Justin Gusching, D.O. ('12)
  • Dan Modarelli, D.O. ('97)
  • 尼娜·帕森·奥伯施密特,D.O. ('18)
  • Crystal Piras, D.O. ('18)
  • Dawn Sammons, D.O. ('03)
  • Nathan P. Samsa, D.O. ('07)
  • Jeffrey S. Tharp, D.O. ('90)
  • Mark T. Wagner, D.O. ('83)
  • Elizabeth Yoder, D.O. ('06)
  • Michael Zacharias, D.O. ('07)

Resident Representative

  • Chynna D. Smith, D.O. ('22)

Student Representatives

  • 乔纳森·彼得斯,都柏林SGA会长
  • Marisa Vislay,克利夫兰SGA主席
  • Jasan Sandhu,雅典SGA主席

Ex-Offcio Members

  • Kenneth H. Johnson, D.O.遗产学院执行院长
  • William J. Burke, D.O. (1988年),都柏林校区院长
  • Isaac J. Kirstein, D.O., Cleveland Campus Dean
  • Tracy Shaub, D.O., Athens Campus Dean
  • Yumi Choe,雅典执行秘书